A necropolítica e o Brasil racista no conto “Um só gole”, de Miriam Alves


  • Maria Perla Araújo Morais Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso




In this paper, we analyze the short story “Um só gole”, by Miriam Alves, in view of the issue of racism in Brazil. The narrative is about a black woman who reports several episodes of racism promoted by a society organized around whiteness. Institutionalized in the figures of the school, the public security, and structured on silencing and killing the black body, racism, in the short story, is authorized by the Brazilian State. A society structured this way must promote discussions based on the reading of black writers dedicated to debating racism in order to decolonize knowledge and bodies.


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Author Biography

Maria Perla Araújo Morais, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Doutora em Literatura Comparada pela UFF. Professora da graduação e do Mestrado em Letras da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. Líder do grupo NELA - Núcleo de Estudos de Literaturas africanas e portuguesa



How to Cite

MORAIS, M. P. A. A necropolítica e o Brasil racista no conto “Um só gole”, de Miriam Alves. Caderno de Letras da UFF, v. 34, n. 66, 9 Sep. 2023.