Graphic design and editorial mediation of contemporary youth narrative: o caso de "A história do vai e volta", by Tiago de Melo Andrade
Editorial mediation, Contemporary youth narrative, Reading DesignAbstract
The article investigates the graphic-visual properties, taken as expressive resources in the construction of the book-object intended for young readers, through bibliographic research with a qualitative approach, which allows theoretical considerations of the work A história do vai e volta (2013). Tiago de Melo Andrade writes the verbal text, Adriana Alves creates the illustrations, and Estação Designer does the graphic project. The study conceives graphic design as an articulating resource of the elements that make up the visual language of the work because it can integrate verbal text and illustration through its creative solutions, and uses theoretical considerations by Chartier (1996, 2002), Hendel (2022), Nikolajeva and Scott (2011), Linden (2011), Pinheiro (2018, 2019), Necyk (2007), Lacerda (2018), among others. From the various conclusions, it is noteworthy that the plot (verbal narrative) guides the graphic design in the search for visual representation. That is, the plot suggests creative ideas while welcoming the verbal text in the visual context of the work. Such symbiosis between the languages that make up the book-object has its articulation favored, above all, by the graphic project, which functions as a reading mediator and editorial mediator because it potentially contributes to the interaction between the multimodal work and the young reader, a premise of Reading Design, as well as to the perception of the work as an aesthetic object.
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