Multiliteracies: a quantitative study about Currículo Paulista


  • Renata Cristina Alves Unicamp



Multiliteracies, BNCC, Curriculum, Portuguese Language teaching


The insertion of contemporary language practices in BNCC (Brazil, 2018) expands the theoretical-methodological possibilities in the treatment of knowledge objects of the Portuguese language component, for the final years of elementary school. As a result, education departments (re)adapted their curriculum considering this normative update. The Secretary of Education of the State of São Paulo approves Currículo Paulista (São Paulo, 2019) and, as of the year following, publishes the curricular mediators Currículo em ação (São Paulo, 2021a, 2021b, 2021c, 2021d), 2021a, 2021b, 2021c, 2021d) to effect this curricular implementation, updated by BNCC (Brazil, 2018). Therefore, this text aims to present and discuss how the books of the Currículo em ação (São Paulo, 2021a, 2021b, 2021c, 2021d) for the 9th year of Elementary School in the Final Years has treated quantitatively this theoretical appropriation of multiliteracies (Rojo; Moura, 2012; Rojo, Barbosa, 2015; Cazden et al., 2021; New London Group, 2021), held by Secretary of Education of the State of São Paulo. It expected, finally, to contribute to the discussions on how the teaching of multiliteracies has occurred in the scope of basic and public education.


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How to Cite

ALVES, R. C. Multiliteracies: a quantitative study about Currículo Paulista. Caderno de Letras da UFF, v. 35, n. 69, 30 Dec. 2024.