Transmedia literacies in the Age of education platformization




Transmedia literacies, Education platformization, Communicative practices, Educational practices, Professional qualification


This article presents the results of the project "Transmedia Literacies in the Era of the Platformization of Education," which researched the literacies produced and circulated by students in professional training courses and involved in emergency remote teaching required by the covid-19 pandemic. Based on the theoretical-methodological proposal of Transmedia Literacies, we identified the main characteristics of students' literacy competence as being ubiquitous and dispersed readers, with severe problems in reading, interpreting, and producing complex texts, especially theoretical and artistic ones. From the perspective of the production, transmission, and acquisition of knowledge, the data reveal a benefit to being online, as the internet opens up greater possibilities for interaction with knowledge in a more interactive manner.


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Author Biography

Naiá Sadi Câmara, Unaerp/Uni-Facef/Ufscar

Professsora titular do programa de mestrado interdisciplinar em "Desenvolvimento Regional" - UNI-FACF. Professora titular de disciplinas da área de Comunicação- UNAERP. Estagiária pós-doutorado UFSCAR. Pe



How to Cite

CÂMARA, N. S. Transmedia literacies in the Age of education platformization. Caderno de Letras da UFF, v. 35, n. 69, 30 Dec. 2024.