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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unique, not being evaluated for publication by another journal. Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to Editor".
  • The submitted document is in the format Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
  • URLs for references were informed whenever possible.
  • The text follows the standard patterns and bibliography requirements described in Author Guidelines, in the page About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Confluências receives works with a maximum of 4 (four) authors. At least 1 (one) them must have a minimum master's degree. Preference will be accept works in which at least 1 (one) of the authors is linked to stricto sensu graduate programs.
The journal will accept original articles that contribute to the comprehension of the main discussions in the field of Human, Social and Legal Sciences, besides Applied Human and Social Sciences, according to the focus and scope of the periodical. 

Articles must not exceed 8000 (eight thousand) words. 

Critical reviews have as a goal to disseminate the recent production (last two years) of national and international books, discussing their relevance to the journal's field of interest.

They must not exceed 2000 (two thousand) words, and must be accompanied by a title and the full reference of the work reviewed. 

Works must be submitted without any identification of authorship. All information regarding the author must be filled during the submission. The authors must also inform their institutional links, post, title and ORCID code. 

Contributions must also be submitted with the following characteristics: 

Sheet: A4

Text editor: Microsoft Word last version;

Margins: left, right, superior and inferior of 2 cm;

Font: Times New Roman size 12, spacing of 1.5, and 1.5 cm indentation;

Cover sheet: there must included the title, abstract and three key words, both in Portuguese and English;

Title of work: in uppercase, bold and centralized;

Subtitle of work: lower case, bold;

Abstract: in Portuguese and English, not exceeding 10 lines;

Key words: in number of three, separated by final dot;

Foreig words: in italics;

Direct quotation: up to three lines, it must be incorporated in the text between quotation marks, and if it contains more than three lines, it must be presented separately with a 4cm indentation, dismissing the use of quotation marks; 

Indirect quotation: must be incorporated in the text, not being highlighted in any way, but accompanied by the respective references;

Section formatting as follows:


   1.1 Secondary section (Left alignment, Lower case, bold)

   1.1.1 Tertiary section (Left alignment, lower case, italics) Quaternary section (Left alignment, lower case, italics, bold) Quinquenary (Left alignment, lower case, no bold nor italics) 

References and quotations: references must be typed in font Times New Roman, size 12, aligned to the left, with single spacing between lines and separated between each other by a blank space. They must be presented in alphabetical order and contain all data necessary for their identification, in conformity with the Brazilian norms NBR 6023:2002. As for quotations, authors must follow the norm NBR 10520:2002, using the author-date system.

Footnotes: only for explanatory notes, in font Times New Roman size 10, presented at the end of the text, consecutively numbered.

Images: graphics, drawings, pictures, tables and photographs must be incorporated in the text, instead of attached at the end of the document. They must be aligned to the left, accompanied by the title as well as the respective source. 

Originality: the work submitted must be original. The works of others must be appropriately cited and referenced.

Uniqueness: the journal will only accept unique texts that were not published by any other national or international academic vehicle.

Dissemination and conflict of interest: the authors are responsible for reporting conflicts of interest of any nature (personal, commercial, financial academic or political) that may influence the results or the interpretation of the manuscript. All funding sources for the research project must be informed. 

The reject articles will be sent back to the authors, accompanied by the opinions and reviews, without identifying the reviewers.

We recommend the observation of the following ABNT (Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques) norms:

NRB 5892:1989 - Date;

NBR 6022:2003 - Article in printed journals;

NBR 6023:2002 - References;

NBR 6024:2012 - Progressive numbering of sections in a written document;

NBR 6028:2003 - Abstract;

NBR 10520:2002 - Quotations.

Type of References:


SAHLINS, Marshall. Islands of History. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1985. 180 pp.

NEVES, Marcelo. Entre Têmis e Leviatã uma relação difícil: o estado democrático de direito a partir e além de Luhmann e Habermans. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006. 354 p.


DOUGLAS, Mary (org.). Witchcraft, Confessions & Accusations. London: Tavistock Publications. 1970. 387 pp.

FERNANDES, Florestan. Aspectos da educação na sociedade tupinambá. In: E. Schaden (org.). Leituras de Etnologia Brasileira. São Paulo: Cia. Editora Nacional. 1976. 63-86p.



Chaves, Luiza Alves; MADEIRA FILHO, Wilson; SIMON, Alba. Relações simbólicas: animais humanos e não humanos. Confluências - Revista Interdisciplinar de Sociologia e Direito, Niterói, v. 20, n. 3, ano 2018. p. 198-210.

Article published in electronic periodical:

LÉVI-STRAUSS, Claude. Exode sur Exode. InL'Homme. Le mythe et ses métamorphoses France, tome 28, n. 106-107.  pp. 13-23. 1988. Disponible à: Accès en: 05 août 2019.


MADEIRA FILHO, Wilson. O discurso do demônio: leitura comparada dos romances Doktor faustus (1946) de Thomas Mann, e grande sertão: veredas. 1998. Tese (Doutorado em Letras), Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. 1998. 

Academic thesis published in electronic periodical:

CROCKER, CristopherThe social organization of the eastern Bororo. 1967. Theses (Ph.D. in Anthropology) - Harvard University, Department of Anthropology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967. Available on:,contains,Social%20Organization%20of%20the%20Eastern%20Bororo&offset=0.


INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA. Sobre o IBICT. Brasília: IBICT. 2019. Available on: Access on: Aug. 5th, 2019.

Critical Review:

JOURNAL TITLE. Place of publication (city). Editor, volume, issue, month, year (if possible). Review of: AUTHOR OF REVIEW. Data of the publication that contains the review.


Conventional Format:

JURISDICTION (name of the country, state or city) or ENTITY NAME (in the case of norms). Title, number and date (day, month, year). Complementary elements for the identification of the document (when necessary). Data of the publication that transcribed the document. 

Example:  BRASIL. Constituição (1988). Constituição brasileira, 1988. Texto constitucional de 5 de outubro de 1998 com as alterações adotadas pelas emendas constitucionais nº1/92 a 4/93 e pelas emendas constitucionais de revisão nº 1 a 6/94. Brasília: [Senado Federal], 1994. 230 p. 

Electronic Format:

JURISDICTION (name of the country, state or city) or ENTITY NAME (in the case of norms). Title, number and date (day, month, year). Data of the publication that transcribed the document. Physical description of the electronic format (CD, disk, etc.) or Available on: <electronic address>. Acess on: day, month and year (for online documents).

Example: BRASIL. Congresso Nacional. Lei nº 10.523 de 23 de julho de 2002. Cria e transforma, no quadro permanente de pessoal da Secretaria do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 9º região, os cargos que menciona e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 24 jul. 2002. Seção 1 p. 3. Disponível em: http: // Acesso em: 23 dez. 2002.

Case Law

Conventional Format:

JURISDICTION (name of the country, state or city) and legal competent body. Title (nature of decision or amendment) and number. Involved parties (if the case). Reporter. Place and date (day, month, year). Data of the publication that transcribed the document. 

MINAS GERAIS. Tribunal de Justiça. Construção - alvará de licença de autorização e alvará de autorização - distinção - poder polícia da municipalidade. Apelação cível nº 68.799. Posto CB Ltda. versus Prefeito Municipal de Capim Branco. Relator: Oliveira Leite. Belo Horizonte, Acórdão de 22 de abr. 1986. Jurisprudência Mineira, Belo Horizonte, v. 94, p.179-190, abr. /jun. 1986.

Electronic Format:

JURISDICTION (name of the country, state or city) and competent legal body. Title (nature of decision or amendment) and number. Involved parties (if the case). Reporter. Place and date (day, month, year). Data of the publication that transcribed the document. Physical description of the electronic format (CD, disk, etc.) or Available on: <electronic address>. Acess on: day, month and year (for online documents).

SÃO PAULO (Estado). Tribunal de Alçada Civil. Nula é a ação de cobrança dirigida contra quem, como mandatário, emitiu cheque. Ação rescisória nº 186.609. Marcos Pires versus Domingues Teixeira. Relator: Machado Alvim. São Paulo, Acórdão de 27 de fev. 1974. Revista de Tribunais, São Paulo, v. 463, p.158-159, maio de 1974. Disponível em: http// juris/ juris/ .htm. Acesso em: 23 dez. 2002.

The estimated time for the evaluation process is of 6 (six) months.


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