Tempo, trabalho e risco: Uma análise das temporalidades nas relações de trabalho


  • Julice Salvagni Doutoranda em Sociologia (UFRGS), Mestre em Ciências Sociais (UNISINOS), Especialista em Gestão Empreendedora (FTEC) e Psicóloga (UNISINOS)




Concept of time, Work. Risk, Subjectivation


This study is part of a dissertation (2011) which approach aspects related to the work’s risk in the electricity sector. This article, emphasis the analysis of the time notion by the work of electricians workers, who are exposed to the high risk of accidents. More than the risk of physical accidents, is understood that the risks are located in the realm of the unseen (socio-psychological). Among them is a subjective element that constitutes the ratio of workers with the notions of time, to be able to approach the concept of risk. The worker’s speeches are brought into dialogue with writers like Harvey, Elias and Sennett. The text presents descriptive elements that enable justify why time, in the electricity sector, being an enemy inseparable from the risk.


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How to Cite

Salvagni, J. (2012). Tempo, trabalho e risco: Uma análise das temporalidades nas relações de trabalho. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 12(2), 213-237. https://doi.org/10.22409/conflu12i2.p127