Vila Paraíso: Invisibilidade das prostitutas do Brega 45, conjunto de prostíbulos no entorno da mineradora Rio Norte às margens do rio Trombetas Oriximiná (PA)


  • Wilson Madeira Filho Professor Titular da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) e Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Direto (PPGSD) da UFF.
  • Leonardo Alejandro de Gomide Alcântara Doutorando do PPGSD/UFF e bolsista Capes
  • Ivan Ignácio Pimentel Mestre pelo PPGSD-UFF e Doutorando em Geografia pela UERJ
  • Denise da Silva Vidal Mestre pelo PPGSD-UFF e Doutoranda do PPGSD-UFF
  • Thais Maria Lutterback Saporetti Azevedo Mestre pelo PPGSD/UFF
  • Carolina Weiler Thibes Mestranda do PPGSD/UFF e bolsista Capes
  • Jamile Medeiros de Souza Mestranda do PPGSD-UFF
  • Alessandra Dale Giacomin Terra Mestranda do PPGSD/UFF e bolsista Capes



Prostitution, Mining, Amazonia, environmental Racism, environmental Justice.


Vila Paraíso (Heaven Town) is the name of an assembly with three of the brothels that
integrate the Brega 45, stilt houses in Rio Trombetas that shelter around thirty prostitutes. The professionals of the sex lend service to the workers in him spill of the activities of the Mining Rio North (MRN), in the district of Porto Trombetas, in the Town of Oriximiná, in the state of Pará, Brazil. The territory, by his time, is delimited, in each margin, for two units of conservation, the National Forest Saracá-Taquera and the Biological Reserve Rio Trumpets. The text unites, in a symbolic speech, the result of diverse interviews with prostitutes of the localities, became invisibles by the political and economic relations and by the sociology of be able to local. The proper nouns that are evident in the text were modified.


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How to Cite

Madeira Filho, W., Alejandro de Gomide Alcântara, L., Ignácio Pimentel, I., da Silva Vidal, D., Lutterback Saporetti Azevedo, T. M., Weiler Thibes, C., Medeiros de Souza, J., & Dale Giacomin Terra, A. (2012). Vila Paraíso: Invisibilidade das prostitutas do Brega 45, conjunto de prostíbulos no entorno da mineradora Rio Norte às margens do rio Trombetas Oriximiná (PA). Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 13(1), 73-81.