September Eleven: Investigating the Roots of Fundamentalism


  • Maurício Vieira Martins Universidade Federal Fluminense - PPGSD (Programa de Pós Graduação em Sociologia e Direito)



Islamic fundamentalism — globalization — September 11


By occasion of the passing of one year since the September 11 attacks, this article investigates the social origins o f the so -called Islamic fundamentalism, emphasizing the insufficiency of an exclusively religious approach to analyze the complexity of the factors involved therein. When facing the socio-political context from which the fundamentalist discourse gave rise, notable recurrences appear in countries where it grows the most (a historically unfavorable position in the international division of work, difficulties in e stab lish in g se lf-su sta in in development projects, etc.). Denying the theory' of the “clash of civilizations”, one can sustain that we are immersed in an internationalized world, based heterogeneously upon different cultures.


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How to Cite

Vieira Martins, M. (2004). September Eleven: Investigating the Roots of Fundamentalism. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 1(1), 02-11.


