¡CON NOSOTRAS NO! The autonomous organization of indigenous women of Tierras Bajas a prism to understand the present in Bolivia


  • Claudia Cuellar




Women. Patriarchal Pact. Autonomy. Bolivia.


Talking and feeling from us - as in “us women” - visibilize the re-composition of domination in Bolivia and the launching of accumulation by dispossession in the lowlands. Furthermore it implies making evident the establishment of patriarchal pact (s) among diverse forms and actors, in order to reinforce the functional hierarchies of the dominant groups. The reinforcement of this hierarchy has generated the need and desire to set up autonomous organizational processes among women,  driven mainly by indigenous women from the lowlands, in this sense, when women decide to organize, there is a number of functional mediations to which the capitalist, colonial and patriarchal amalgam is reinforced in territories that resist living under the rules of capital, likewise, the women's organizations that are beginning to unfold - never free of tensions - are capable of making visible an other politics, an alive politics, that is sustained in different plots, it’s build in multiple ways, and today, is able to recognize the historical accumulated and reactivate the memory of the experience of feminine struggles. The present article intends to analyze how the capitalist, colonial and patriarchal amalgam is re-edified through patriarchal alliances in Bolivia and before that, how an important capacity is generated from women to challenge, and recognize an accumulated force that activates the decision to fight together.


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How to Cite

Cuellar, C. (2019). ¡CON NOSOTRAS NO! The autonomous organization of indigenous women of Tierras Bajas a prism to understand the present in Bolivia. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 21(2), 273-287. https://doi.org/10.22409/conflu.v21i2.34713