
  • Luiz Henrique Eloy Amado École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, França
  • Ana Maria Motta Ribeiro Professora Associada da Universidade Federal Fluminense Deptº de Sociologia e Metodologia das Ciências Sociais Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Direito (PPGSD-UFF) Linha Conflitos Sócio Ambientais Rurais Coordenadora do Observatório Fundiário Fluminense -OBFF-UFF



Indigenous peoples. Pandemic. Territory. Indigenous health.


The purpose of this text is to analyze the situation of indigenous peoples in Brazil in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, using two theorical methodological movements. The first is to look at the actions of the Brazilian indigenous movement adopted shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the new coronavirus pandemic, especially the strategies undertaken by indigenous communities and organizations in the face of the State's failure to present plans and execute actions targeted specifically at indigenous peoples, increasing the vulnerability and risk of contagion by the coronavirus. The other view is centered on the State and its inability to deal with the Brazilian indigenous reality. In addition to work, it constitutes an important record and, therefore, offers an overview of the situation and how the facts unfolded; it makes it possible to bring up reflections on the challenges of indigenous peoples in a context beyond the pandemic, that is, such a situation necessarily requires bringing up the discussion of the historical demands of the peoples, which necessarily involves analyzing the relationship of the State with the original peoples, the urgent and the completion of the demarcation of indigenous lands and respect for indigenous worldviews over their territories is necessary. In this sense, the indigenous vision of respect for mother earth and its natural resources, comes to the fore to understand the origins of epidemiological outbreaks and how vital it is to preserve nature for indigenous peoples, but also for the maintenance of human life in the world. planet. This is a political message that the indigenous movement and its leaders have passed on for many years and that has not been discussed with the seriousness required by countries. The traditional territories so vital to indigenous peoples play a role in the balance of human life, and the capital that oppresses these peoples, now forces everyone to reflect on the good life and the climatic consequences that the destruction of biodiversity in a global context.


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How to Cite

Eloy Amado, L. H., & Motta Ribeiro, A. M. (2020). PANORAMA AND CHALLENGES OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN BRAZIL. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 22(2), 335-360.