aspectos do sequestro do tempo social de vida de agricultores familiares no bolsão sul-matogrossense


  • Napoleão Miranda Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)
  • Cláudio Ribeiro Lopes Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)




The research focused on the contours of the process of expropriation of the social life of family farmers promoted by two large pulp-paper industries in the region of the Mato Grosso do Sul pocket between 2009 and 2020. Using hybrid questionnaires, with a structured part and semi-structured part, it was possible to identify that, in a qualitative way, social actors understand the socio-environmental conflicts that they experience as mere problems and that the presence of paper mills in the region is something positive, despite recognizing that it is difficult to be at the mercy of the exclusive investments of the projects development proposed by the industries and without the possibility of other forms of financing production. From this perspective, land concentration ends up being maintained and expanded and the leap in quality that family farmers could achieve is always postponed to an unattainable future. Thus, the eucalyptus-cellulose-paper agro-industrial territorial complex creates true economic and social captivity through the monopoly of investments that can be achieved by the research subjects, to the detriment of the complete absence of the State as a promoter of this development for family farming in Bolsão.


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Author Biographies

Napoleão Miranda, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Professor ASSOCIADO IV do Departamento de Sociologia da UFF e Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Direito (PPGSD/UFF). Possui doutorado em Sociologia pela Sociedade Brasileira de Instrução - SBI/IUPERJ (1991).Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Urbano por El Colégio de México (1981). Graduação em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (1978).

Cláudio Ribeiro Lopes, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)

Doctor in Legal and Social Sciences from the PPGSD of the Fluminense Federal University - UFF (2016), he holds a degree in LAW from the Toledo University Center, in Presidente Prudente (1990). Specialist in Law from UNOESTE (2000) and MASTER IN LAW: GUARDIANSHIP OF SUPRA INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS by the UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE MARINGÁ - UEM (2007). Currently, he leads the UFMS/CNPq Research Groups AGRICULTURAL LAW AND PRAXIS: transdisciplinary dialogues, RESEARCH NUCLEUS ON CONFLICTUALITY, SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL CONFLICTS, VIOLENCES, SOCIAL CONTROL, CRIMINAL POLICY AND CONSTITUTIONAL AND CRIMINAL LEGAL PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL AND SUPRA-INDIVIDUAL LEGAL GOODS and CRIMINAL LAW STUDIES : life and work of Hans Welzel and his contributions to contemporary Criminal Science and critical reflections on normative proposals and participates in the Research Groups: UFMS/CNPq PUNITIVE JURISDICTIONAL TUTELA IN MODERNIDADE, UFF/CNPq Research Group on Human Rights and Society and UFF /CNPq Citizenship, Territoriality and Environment Laboratory - LACTA. He led the UFMS/CNPq Research Group CASA DA VOVÓ, MORADA DO LOBO MAU: studies on authoritarian models, dictatorships and other forms of human indignity and participated in the UEM/CNPq research groups NEW PERSPECTIVES FOR THE LEGAL AND CRIMINAL PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND ORDINATION TERRITORY, FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF CONTEMPORARY CRIMINAL LAW. He is Adjunct Professor 4 at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campus Três Lagoas, columnist for the Legal Content Portal (www.conteudojuridico.com.br) and was a professor of Criminology, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Criminal Legal Practice Internship, from April 2000 to January 2009, at UNOESTE, professor of Criminal Law II, at Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mourão/PR, from July 2008 to January 2009. He is currently a member of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Sociology of Law - ABraSD . He has experience in the field of Law, with an emphasis on Criminal Law and Sociology, specifically, Sociology of Socio-environmental Conflicts. Its main lines of investigation are: Socio-environmental conflict, sociology of violence, legal-penal consequences of crimes: foundations, ends, limits, merit and need for punishment; human dignity, supra-individual crimes and criminal law of the enemy. He has been working in recent years of research on the topic of green deserts and socio-environmental conflicts.



How to Cite

Miranda, N. ., & Ribeiro Lopes, C. . (2022). DA JAULA DE AÇO AOS CATIVEIROS DE PAPEL: aspectos do sequestro do tempo social de vida de agricultores familiares no bolsão sul-matogrossense. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 24(3), 305-328. https://doi.org/10.22409/conflu.v24i3.56189