a look from the case of Neusa and Gisele v. Brazil


  • Fernanda Lavinia Birck Schubert UNIJUÍ
  • Patrick Costa Meneghetti UNIJUÍ



The article focuses on the case of Neusa dos Santos Nascimento and Gisele Ana Ferreira vs. Brazil as an expression of the system of oppression that falls on black women in Brazilian society. The research problem can be summarized in the following question: how the case Neusa dos Santos Nascimento and Gisele Ana Ferreira vs. Does Brazil reflect the oppressions that fall on racialized, impoverished and sexualized women in Brazilian society? Based on data, it is possible to affirm that the discrimination that Neusa and Gisele went through reflects the reality of black women in Brazil, who are subject to oppression related to race, gender, class and sexuality resulting from coloniality and that make them they are allocated, as a rule, in subordinate positions and, within the scope of work, in precarious jobs since the abolition of slavery. The general objective of the text is, from the aforementioned case, to highlight some of the oppressions that fall on racialized, impoverished and sexualized women in Brazil. The specific objectives, which are reflected in the structure of the text in three sections, are: a) To analyze the case Neusa dos Santos Nascimento and Gisele Ana Ferreira vs. Brazil; b) Study elementary aspects of colonization in Brazil, as well as its permanence through coloniality; and c) Understand the reflexes of the multiple oppressions that fall on black women and the consequences in their working life. It is a qualitative research, whose method of approach is the hypothetical-deductive, through the use of bibliographic and documental research techniques.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Lavinia Birck Schubert, UNIJUÍ

Mestranda em Direito (UNIJUÍ). Pós-graduanda em Direito Previdenciário (EBRADI). Graduada em Direito (UNICRUZ). Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa Biopolítica e Direitos Humanos (UNIJUÍ). Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa​ Jurídica em Cidadania, Democracia e Direitos Humanos - GPJUR (UNICRUZ).

Patrick Costa Meneghetti, UNIJUÍ

Doutorando e Mestre em Direitos Humanos (UNIJUÍ). Especialista em Direito Público com ênfase em Gestão Pública (DAMÁSIO EDUCACIONAL). Bacharel em Direito. Licenciado em Letras Português. Jornalista. Técnico Judiciário/Administrativa na Vara Federal de Cruz Alta (JFRS/TRF4)



How to Cite

Birck Schubert, F. L., & Costa Meneghetti, P. (2022). AS INTERACTIONS BETWEEN GENDER, RACE AND CLASS IN SYSTEMS OF OPPRESSION: a look from the case of Neusa and Gisele v. Brazil. Confluências | Interdisciplinary Review of Sociology and Law, 24(2), 38-59.