Proposing guiding principles for a decolonial production of diverse video games




Video games, Diversity, Decoloniality, Oppression, Authorship


In order to propose guiding principles for the future creation of a decolonial methodology for the production of diverse video games, this article presents a quick look at the brazilian independent developments’ scenario, reflecting critically on the respective posture that differs from the paradigms imposed by the mass industry. Starting from the theoretical foundation based on critical authors of the field of video games, as well as from the decolonial thought, a descriptive analysis of projects that can be characterized in the proposed definition of diverse video games was made so that, finally, one could propose the referred guiding principles.


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Author Biographies

Julia Stateri, Pesquisadora Independente

Realizou a pesquisa em nível de pós-doutoramento "Apropriar para democratizar: usando os princípios do design na criação de videogames narrativos anti-opressão" pelo programa de Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital da PUC de São Paulo (TIDD PUC-SP). Doutora em Artes Visuais pelo Instituto de Artes da UNICAMP, mestra em Educação, Arte e História da Cultura pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie e bacharel em Design Gráfico pelo Senac, foi coordenadora dos cursos de pós-graduação em Gestão da Comunicação em Mídias Digitais, Design Gráfico, Marketing Digital e E-commerce e Docência no Ensino Superior do Senac de Campinas. Fundadora da produtora cultural Oficina Lúdica, dedica-se à realização de projetos lúdico-culturais por iniciativa privada ou leis de incentivo.

Jaderson Souza, Postgraduate Program in Humanities, Rights and Other Legitimacy. University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil.

PhD student in Humanities, Rights and Other Legitimacy from the University of São Paulo. Master in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUCSP. He has a postgraduate degree in Game Production and Programming from SENAC-SP and degrees in Marketing (SENAC) and Technology and Data Processing (FIAP). He was a founding partner and president of Ong Jogos pela Educação. Currently, it develops socio-educational activities and games aimed at cultural promotion through the company Game e Arte.


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