O The iHealth player
gamification as a biopolitical strategy
Communication and Consumption; Gamification; Biopolitics; iHealth.Abstract
In this article, we address the appropriation of game strategies by the health market, aiming to problematize gamification as a biopolitical strategy. In this perspective, we seek to understand how gamified dynamics mobilize “biopolitical convocations” (PRADO, 2013), which produce the subjectivities of neoliberal subjects. Therefore, we used the Labi Exames website as empirical material that exemplifies the use of gamification strategies in the health market. As for the theoretical foundation, we mobilized scholars of biopolitics, biomedicalization, “neoliberal philosophy” and gamification – through which we characterize “iHealth” as a context marked by the displacement of medical power-knowledge, encouragement of self-diagnosis and the preponderance of discourses neoliberals in body care.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Tânia M. C. Hoff, Ana Catarina Holtz, Lucas L. Fraga
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