Platinum in games

a psychopolitic enunciative project




Digital games, Tensive semiotics, Flow, Enunciative project, Psychopolitics


Based on two theoretical models – the Flow Psychology, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and the tensive semiotics by Claude Zilberberg – this essay aims to analyze the values and the enunciative project of the platinum activity, which is precisely to complete all the challenges proposed by the game development team. The article then focuses in understanding how the search for such strategy, of strong psychopolitical nature, impacts the enunciative project of the game itself, reducing the effect and hindering the flow of such a narrative proposal in the name of rewards that are outside the game, concerning the space of neoliberal values of the digital world.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Reitano, DL-FFLCH-Universidade de São Paulo

Mestre em Semiótica em Linguística Geral pela FFLCH-USP (2021) e Graduado em Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Artes Visuais pelo IA-UNESP (2012). Trabalha com as areas de discurso, tecnologia, narrativa e fantasia.


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