Peer review dynamics on Steam
gaming capital, violence and communication flows in Bolsomito2k18 reviews
Digital games, Assessment Systems, Communication Flows, Gaming Capital, PoliticsAbstract
In this work, we argue that the management of content by peers on the Steam platform, as well as its evaluation systems, generate flows that cause some content/products to gain greater relevance on this platform. Therefore, we observe the evaluations of the game Bolsomito2k18, paying attention to how these information flows occur. Discussions are articulated around assessment systems. We intend network communication dynamics, we think of them as a system mediated by the management of gaming capital. We conclude that, given the communication flows, certain contents end up gaining more relevance. Also, evaluation systems can suffer distortions, especially due to the behavior of the evaluation flow itself, and that these distortions can be much more beneficial for companies than for users.
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