
  • Anne Geraldi Pimentel Programa de Pós Graduação em Direito - PUCPR
  • Carlos Fraderico Marés de Souza Filho Professor Titular de Direito da PUCPR



Cuba, Questão Agrária, Reforma Constitucional, Estado Socialista, Direito Constitucional./ Keywords, Agrarian Question, Constitutional Reform, Socialist State, Constitutional law./ Palabras clave, Asuntos Agrarios, Reforma Constitucional...


Abstract: The recent Constitutional Reform in Cuba has given rise to the need to analyze the continuities or discontinuities of the state formation process within socialist ideals. Thus, this article aimed to verify some points that indicate the continuity of the socialist ideals present to the Cuban state since the Revolution of 1959. One of these continuities reveals in the way the agrarian question in the country has been treated, because the agrarian reform has been one of the first post-1959 government measures and one of the pillars of state formation. The agrarian question refers to the constitutional issue of land use and ownership, which was rewritten in the new Cuban Constitution. The new form of treatment of land ownership maintained the ideals of 1959. The method of investigation chosen was the qualitative one, due to the complexity of the object, which should consist of analyzes of social structures to understand the phenomena. The methodological procedures chosen were bibliographic research, documentary and testimonials.





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Author Biography

Anne Geraldi Pimentel, Programa de Pós Graduação em Direito - PUCPR

Formada em Direito, doutoranda peloPrograma de Pós Graduação em Direito - PUCPR.


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2020-03-11 — Updated on 2021-03-31
