
  • Javier Couso Universidade Diego Portales



Constituições econômicas, Direitos humanos, Constituição, América Latina./Keywords, Economic Constitutions, Human Rights, Constitution, Latin America./Palavras clave, Constituciones económicas, Derechos Humanos, Constitución, América Latina.


The article deals with the consolidation of a given economic model underlying the constitutional order and its relation to the normativity of human rights in the Latin American Constitutions, where the discussion has gone from neoliberal economists to the current impulse to make socio-economic rights justiciable. To this end, it carries out a taxonomy of the different "economic constitutions" and an analysis of the dominant approach in the subcontinent, exploring the tensions and the potentiality it manifests. In conclusion, it notes that the debate is limited to a question of permanence - which aims at a Constitution - concerned with preventing the alteration of the common thread of a given economic model.


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Author Biography

Javier Couso, Universidade Diego Portales

Professor da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile) e membro do Centro de Estudos sobre Conflitos Sociais e Coesão. ORCID:


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2020-02-04 — Updated on 2021-04-01
