
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, not under consideration for publication elsewhere or published in physical or virtual format. Preprints are accepted, provided that they are declared as such in the "Comments to the Editor" at the time of submission.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (doc or docx) format, up to 5MB in size.
  • URLs for the references were given when possible.
  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a Times New Romam font in size 12; employs italics for foreign words; figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of appendices, duly numbered and with reference to the source/design of the image.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines, on the About the Journal page. There are reference examples in the template for articles. Manuscripts that do not comply with the established parameters will be rejected in the pre-evaluation stage.
  • Any personal information that could lead to the identification of the authorship of the manuscripts must be removed from the submission files in accordance with the instructions available at Securing blind peer review.
  • Titles, subtitles, abstracts, and keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
  • The authors commit themselves not to send the same manuscript to other journals while it is under evaluation on Essays of Geography

Author Guidelines


After registering on the site you are ready to submit your paper. If you have any questions on how to do it, access the tutorial developed by the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS).

Sometimes it is necessary to review the submitted work and send a new version. To do this: LOGIN > to "Submissions" > Send new version > Select "article text" > Transfer author version



Promoting the dissemination of knowledge, we encourage the publication of unpublished scientific articles and essays.

The target audience is undergraduate and graduate students, professors and researchers who have developed academic research and want to publish the results obtained. 


  • To download the template of the articles section for the regular issues click here.
  • Make a new submission for the Articles section.

Attention: To ensure a blind peer review, the paper must be submitted without identification of authorship, e-mail address or institution. The author cannot identify himself/herself throughout the text, so auto-citations should not be named.


    • The contribution must be original and unpublished, not under consideration for publication elsewhere or published in physical or virtual format. Preprints are accepted, provided that they are declared as such in the "Comments to the Editor" at the time of submission.
    • The abstract must be justified, with 1.0 (single) line spacing, font Times New Roman size 10, and 2.5 cm margins. Around 10 lines.
    • The text should be justified, with 1.5 line spacing, font Times New Roman size 12, and margins of 2.5 cm.
    • Figures and tables should be inserted in the text in their proper location, centered, with the title above, with font Times New Roman size 12. Below, the legend should be centered, with font Times New Roman size 10.
    • Minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 25 pages.
    • The format of the productions must be in .doc or .docx, and have a maximum size of 5MB.


The production should follow the following rules:

  • Title of the paper: It should be placed in the original language of the paper (Portuguese, English and Spanish), be brief and sufficiently specific and descriptive. In addition, it must be centered and in bold. Below it should be the title in another language, i.e., if the original is Portuguese, we recommend the use of English and vice-versa.
  • Abstract: An informative abstract with keywords must be included, in the language in which the article was submitted, accompanied by its translation into one of the other languages accepted by the journal (Portuguese, English and Spanish) written according to the norms of NBR 6028, of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT).
  • Materials and graphics: Sharp photographs and graphics (strictly necessary for the clarity of the text) must be in jpeg format. in black and white or color version. They must be marked in the text by their order number, the places where they should be inserted, and also have a centered title (Times New Roman 12 in bold). If the illustrations submitted have already been published, mention the source, which must be centered (Times New Roman 10);
  • Tables and Charts: Tables and charts should have sequential numbering appropriate for each type and their locations should be marked in the text with the respective order number.


  • NBR-1052 (information and documentation - citations in documents - presentation)
  • NBR 6023 (information and documentation - references - elaboration) 

After receiving acceptance by the Editorial Board, resend the final version for publication as soon as possible. This must contain the full name of the author, the institution to which the author is affiliated, e-mail, ORCID id, city and state of origin, and a brief biography in a footnote.

- It is essential to link the ORCID id, updated registration (access to learn how to update) and brief biography in your profile




Interviewing is a powerful tool in scientific research. The researchers-interviewers embark on a complex and significant activity when they decide to use them. The people being interviewed are invited to engage in dialogue because their voices have something thought-provoking to reveal. 

This section of the journal Ensaios de Geografia seeks, therefore, to publish dialogues mobilized by researchers as a methodological tool for the understanding of phenomena related to geographic science.

To download the template of the Interviews section for regular issues click here.

The authors/interviewers must produce an introductory text, pointing out its objectives, justifying its relevance, presenting the interviewee and indicating the date and place of its realization. The documents may contain up to 15 pages.

The interviews submitted to the journal will be analyzed by our Editorial Committee to verify their suitability to the scope of our journal.

Only one interview will be published per issue.



The hegemonic discourses in contemporaneity are characterized by an excessive formal rigidity, a systematic rationality of the thinking and the doing, a statistical overvaluation of facts, a hierarchization of knowledge and of the subjects that produce it, as well as a notorious emptying of the contents and of the meanings of life and the automatic reproduction of the dominant readings.

There is an urgent need to democratize the speeches, the codes, the accesses, the production of knowledge, the isonomy of readings, of sciences, and of political-professional practices as constituents of an ethical, plural, and citizen society; therefore, a life immersed in poetry, colored by love, and filled with wisdom.

The Reading session of Essays in Geography invites dissonant voices and restless minds to dialogue with multiple forms-contents of seeing-being-feeling the/in the world. Works written in prose or poetry; short stories, chronicles, travel reports, films, and exhibitions are some examples of this session.

"Readings" summons us to come out of the identity-deleting omission of coparticipation in a world permeated with cruelty and alienation. Being and writing, we will transform the condition!

The approximation of subject and object of knowledge and the consequent valorization of feelings and subjectivity mediated by the sensitive domain of artistic-literary expressions will allow the subtlety of life to enrich the current academic density.

  • To download the template of the Readings section for the regular issues click here.

Attention: To ensure a blind peer review, the work must be submitted without identification of authorship, e-mail or institution.


  • To participate, the author must submit a work of his or her own authorship. Poems with a maximum of 5 pages and 20 pages for short stories/chronicles and other works preceded by the title. We accept only unpublished works.

Important: The file size should not exceed 4MB.

The presentation of a justification of the works submitted for evaluation in the Readings session is optional.

After receiving acceptance by the Editorial Board, resend the final version for publication as soon as possible. This must contain the full name of the author, the institution to which the author is affiliated, e-mail, ORCID id, city and state of origin, and a brief biography in a footnote.

- It is essential to link the ORCID id, updated registration (access to learn how to update) and brief biography in your profile




Smells, sensations, sounds, tastes and images are constituent elements of human spatiality and work as guides of strategies for the organization of lived space.

The senses compose a body memory where the experiences lived by the subjects are condensed, which are activated every time someone comes into contact with elements that mobilize our memories, making them a link between the past and future investments.

We believe that human spatiality can be narrated in different artistic expressions, and that is why the visualities session intends to summon and/or move people by means of visual artistic work, using as resources: drawings, paintings, engravings, sculptures, collages, etc. that suggest human spatiality.

The aim is to explore other senses in order to intervene in the daily relationship between society and space, summoning and/or moving through visual art.



- To download the template of the VISUALS section for the regular issues click here.

Attention: To ensure a blind peer review, the work must be submitted without identification of authorship, e-mail or institution, and must also have been inspected.

Make a new submission for the VISUALS section.

- Files for the VISUALS section should be sent in .doc or .docx format, following the template provided for the section. A justification of no more than one page that contextually introduces the photographs, sketches, drawings or videos is required.

- Images must be sent in .jpeg format. The .doc or .docx file size supported by the journal's OJS (Open Journal System) site is, on average, 4 MB.
- The videos will be presented by a representative image of the material and the link of publication on youtube, being accepted the formats .avi and .mp4.
- We accept only unpublished productions

After receiving acceptance by the Editorial Board, resend the final version for publication as soon as possible. This must contain the full name of the author, the institution to which the author is affiliated, e-mail, ORCID id, city and state of origin, and a brief biography in a footnote.

- It is essential to link the ORCID id, updated registration (access to learn how to update) and brief biography in your profile




In this section, the journal Ensaios de Geografia publishes dossiers with themes related to Geography and related areas. In addition to the calls made by the Editorial Board, proposals coming from the scientific community are also accepted, provided that they fit into the focus and scope of the journal. The projects can be sent to the e-mail, and will be judged by the Editorial Committee, which will evaluate their publishability. 

All manuscripts submitted by the authors must follow the guidelines established for the Articles section.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.