Hiperespectral Remote Sensing, vegetation, landscapeAbstract
The knowledge of the current state of the vegetation cover is an important tool to the environment management and conservation. Hence, the interest about conservation patterns, which is a result of environment shifts, has been receiving a great support from traditional earth technology and can be applied in monitoring projects or environment planning. Following this trend, this study utilizes products derived from hyperspectral censoring to indentify different conservation statuses in the remaining vegetation parts of the Atlantic Forest in the states of Rio de Janeiro. The project’s goal is exploring a technology still little known among experts in earth sciences, specially in Geography, with the purpose of identifying conservation status of forest and herbaceous vegetation samples. To the research’s development, different spectral responses of vegetation cover were considered. During the study, hyperspectral images from the Hyperion censor, on board the EO-1 Satellite were utilized, they were obtained from the U.S Geological Survey. The images were processed to permit data gathering of representative vegetation classes and respective spectral responses were evaluated to enable the differentiation between them.
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