violência, escola, Angra dos Reis, tráfico de drogasAbstract
This article aims to address the increase in urban violence in the municipality of Angra dos Reis / RJ, in addition to its geographical dispersion throughout the city's neighborhoods and its impacts on the city's education. In this sense, the violence addressed here will be that related to drug trafficking and the forms of crime that result from it, since this phenomenon, in the last ten years, has shown a strong growth in the region and shows itself as the greatest expression of violence in the region. city to the detriment of others. The phenomenon, however, is not uniformly expressed in the geography of the city, as well as its impacts on schools in the municipality and in the daily lives of residents. In this context, through consultations with mainly the statistical data available at the Public Security Institute of Rio de Janeiro and the research of the IEAR / UFF Extension Project PUBLIC AND SOCIAL SECURITY DIAGNOSIS OF THE CITY OF ANGRA DOS REIS, it was possible to prove this uneven geographic distribution of crimes, mainly concentrated in the poorest areas of the city and thus, reaching schools and citizens located in their surroundings with greater intensity.
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