Housing, Urban space, Ground rent, Urban landAbstract
Housing is the most complex real estate asset in cities. Not only does it have a strong and important symbolic, material and social component, but it is also physically linked to a specific and non-reproducible fraction of the urban space, which means that accessing a dwelling is also, above all, accessing with greater or lesser ease the various use values of the city. In this sense, the objective of this article is to offer theoretical considerations about the production of this good, as well as the urban space in general, rescuing for this, in particular, exponents of marxist urban sociology, as well as some of the postulates of K. Marx and F. Engels. We believe that such considerations have strong relevance for understanding the particularities of housing production and urban space, as well as the potential to serve as subsidies for future works inserted in this theme, on which we point out, at the end, some directions of current importance - in particular what we call the “new rentier production”.
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