a case study on urban territorialities in the Quilombola Community of Abacatal in Ananindeua/PA




Urban restructuring, Urban territorialities , Abacatal community


This research is based on analyzes of urban restructuring and its effects on territorial reconfiguration and the new uses of territory in the city of Ananindeua (Pará, Brazil), specifically the multiple interactions on territory and territoriality in the metropolitan Amazon from the 2010s onwards. The research carries out a theoretical-methodological approach permeating, the production and reproduction of urban space that will bring an analytical possibility and reflection about the development of multiple determinations of social reality. In this sense, and given the reflections, the research continues by addressing the metropolitan territorial dynamics and makes a brief overview of the result of these new dynamics, in addition, it continues towards the debate of the central role of the city of Ananindeua in the metropolis of Pará and how it serves as a template for the other cities included in the metropolitan region. Finally, it makes an analysis referring to the economic and socio-territorial centralities generated in the municipality in the face of the multiple investments of capital from the process of formation of the city and with that, what the Quilombola Community of Abacatal has faced in the face of territorial disputes in the context of expansion urban area in the Metropolitan Region of Belém (RMB) in Pará.


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How to Cite

MACHADO, R. L. M.; RODRIGUES, J. C.; MENEZES, P. B. R. . METROPOLITAN RESTRUCTURING AND USES OF TERRITORY:: a case study on urban territorialities in the Quilombola Community of Abacatal in Ananindeua/PA. Essays of Geography, v. 9, n. 20, p. 155-186, 30 Apr. 2023.