Landscape and Human Senses
methodological study in the river-city relationship
Sensory Perception, Anthropogenic Actions, Public PoliciesAbstract
The landscape reflects history, culture and territorial identity, perceived in a variety of ways by the human senses, including visual, sound and emotional elements. In this scenario, urban rivers play a crucial role in understanding environmental and cultural values in the face of anthropogenic actions. This article addresses the relevance of studying the urban landscape of rivers amid the process of occupation and changing dynamics. Through the Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist (ProKnowC) method, relevant works are selected for a systematic literature review with the aim of investigating and interpreting studies that address methods and methodologies that contribute to the deepening of the river - city - landscape relationship, considering not only the vision, but also other human senses. It is concluded that the works presented do not directly specify the human senses, however it is clear that the construction and application of the proposed methods are related to some of them. The study of these methods can support the development of public policies for the preservation of the landscape of urban rivers.
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