Straight to the Point: How people encode linear discontinuations


  • Rodrigo I Mora School of Architecture FAAD, Universidad Diego Portales
  • Alejandro Lobos Universidad Diego Portales
  • Agustín Ibáñez Universidad Diego Portales, Instituto de Neurologia Cognitiva (INECO).


categorization, spatial misaligments, mental encoding


Spatial discontinuations occuring in cities introduce ambiguity in people´s mental spatial encoding and wayfinding bahavior. How do we encode and classify such misalignments? Twenty participants were asked to classify a total of 51 icons showing an upward-moving line being misaligned to the right and left as well as starting straight. The results show that subjects were very sensitive to slight discontinuations occurring to the vertical lines and that there was not exact symmetry between the left and right axis, meaning that the pieces slightly misaligned to the left were encoded differently than those misaligned to the right.


Biografia do Autor

Rodrigo I Mora, School of Architecture FAAD, Universidad Diego Portales

School of Architecture FAAD, Universidad Diego Portales

Alejandro Lobos, Universidad Diego Portales

Psychologist, Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, Universidad Diego Portales.

Agustín Ibáñez, Universidad Diego Portales, Instituto de Neurologia Cognitiva (INECO).

Psychologist, Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, Universidad Diego Portales, Instituto de Neurologia Cognitiva (INECO). Miembro de Carrera CONICET, Argentina.


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Como Citar

MORA, R. I.; LOBOS, A.; IBÁÑEZ, A. Straight to the Point: How people encode linear discontinuations. Fractal: Revista de Psicologia, v. 24, n. 3, p. 501-512, 31 dez. 2012.


