The challenges to the language area


  • Maria Teresa Tedesco UERJ



Language. Teaching. Different genres. Proficiency development.


Considering the worrying levels of brazilian student’s proficiency development, that illustrates Brazil’s educational failure, this paper aims at thinking about the importance of the language to the students’ basic development.  We claim that dominating language means to be prepared to interact to people, which implies to have the possibility to influence people in the way they act and think about the others. In the (social)cognitivist perspective, we believe in an educational process which looks straight at each one as a social subject. In this way, people are not ready, but are (re) constructions in the discursive practices. By the way, the school’s practices have as main function to develop the linguistic abilities, considering the different discourse genres in this owner organization and communicative proposes. The consequence is to become the student able to participate of the society actively when they know to read, to write and the discourse analyses, which includes the perspective of grammar’s language. It means that the language is the greater linguistic heritage which must be investigated not only in mother language classes, but also in other subjects, stimulating the scientific approach, a tribute of the linguistic area.


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Author Biography

Maria Teresa Tedesco, UERJ

Graduada em Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa e respectivas literaturas pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), é Mestre e Doutora em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ (1992 e 2002, respectivamente). Professora Adjunta da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) é Coordenadora Geral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras e coordenadora do Mestrado em Língua Portuguesa (2009) da UERJ, vem atuando na formação de professores do ensino básico. Foi Coordenadora de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu e Coordenadora de Graduação da Faculdade CCAA (2007 a julho de 2010). Sua experiência acadêmica está centrada nas áreas de Letras e Educação, na macro área de linguagem, códigos e suas tecnologias. Atua principalmente na elaboração e coordenação de processos avalistas em larga escala, em bancas examinadoras de diversos processos seletivos.



How to Cite

Tedesco, M. T. (2014). The challenges to the language area. Gragoatá, 19(36).