Metaphor and death in “the Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde


  • Latuf Isaias Mucci UFF


Rhetoric. Metaphor. Oscar Wilde. The picture of Dorian Gray


Circumscribing as corpus The picture of Dorian Gray (1891), the only novel by Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), this essay finds its originality in the texture of metaphor and in the play of death. Will metaphor be the death of the real? Will the real be the death of metaphor? With this postulate, in form of chiasmus, we analyze the texture of the Wildean novel, in which the change of symbolic places between the model and the picture causes an aesthetic and ethic tension. Finally, Art will remain, metaphor of a real, dead, but always susceptible to artistic transfiguration.


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Author Biography

Latuf Isaias Mucci, UFF

Pós-doutor em Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas/USP; doutor em Poética/UFRJ; mestre em Teoria Literária/UFRJ; mestre em Ciências Sociais/Université Ca­tholique de Louvain, Bélgica. Professor Associado/UFF. Ex-vice coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Arte/UFF. Assessor de projetos da Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina. Autor de vários livros, entre os quais Ruína & Simulacro Decadentista. Co-autor do Dicionário Eletrônico de Termos Literários da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.



How to Cite

Mucci, L. I. (2009). Metaphor and death in “the Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. Gragoatá, 14(26). Retrieved from