The anagrammatic function of the proper name in psychotic writing


  • Mariluci Novaes UFF


psychotic writing, proper names, identity, psychoanalysis


Two approaches are provided by linguistics to consider proper names: from the designation point of view and from the virtual interpellation of a subject for utterance. Following psychoanalysis discourse, Lacan (Seminar The identification, unpublished) proposes other propriety for proper names: the definition expression, in the sense of a set of possibilities and determinations around the significant, marks an act of decipherment for the subject. On regarding the three considerations I propose another function for the psychotic writing: the anagrammatic one, in the sense that a name may guide silently the self-writing. On book Denkwürdigkeiten eines Nervenkranken, Schreber (1903), recluse at SONNENSTEIN, a mental diseases asylum, in Germany, writes about his experience of self-transforming in the woman chosen by God to procreate another race. The asylum's name acts as an anagrammatic function of Significant-master in association with familiar name Schreber, allowing the autobiography a construction of a disillusioned metaphor in an effort to turn public the private experience of psychoses.


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Author Biography

Mariluci Novaes, UFF

Doutora em Ciências pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas e pesquisadora do CNPq, é professora de Lingüística na Universidade Federal Fluminense. Publicou Os dizeres nas esquizofrenias: uma cartola sem fundo (São Paulo: Escuta, 1996) e vários artigos em anais e periódicos especializados, entre eles Communication paradoxes in psychosis: a question to cognitive approaches in pragmatics (em Revista da ABRALIN, 2003) e Uma profecia, um delírio, uma teoria (em Cadernos de Letras da UFF, 2001). É coordenadora do grupo de pesquisa UFF / CNPq Linguagens das diferenças: psicoses e outros lugares de estranhamento.



How to Cite

Novaes, M. (2005). The anagrammatic function of the proper name in psychotic writing. Gragoatá, 10(18). Retrieved from