The chant as battle armor - a study on the plurality of meanings present in a medieval Iberian chant


  • José D'Assunção Barros USS


poetry and power, medieval troubadours, social tensions, sense, political event


The subject of this article is to discuss the relations between Poetry and Power, examining the political and social tensions of the medieval Iberian society among the troubadours practice and poetry. After an initial presentation of the historical context and the fonts examined, the text analyses a galego-portuguese chant in witch one we can see a plurality of senses according the movements of the chant in the political and social context. The event studied is the monarchic centralization in Portugal of the XIII century.


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Author Biography

José D'Assunção Barros, USS

Doutor em História Social pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF); Professor da Universidade Severino Sombras (USS) de Vassouras, nos Cursos de Mestrado e Graduação em História, onde leciona disciplinas ligadas aos campos da Teoria e Metodologia da História, da Historiografia, e da História da Cultura. Publicou recentemente O Campo da História (Petrópolis: Vozes, 2004), onde discute aspectos diversificados relacionados ao estudo da História, Desenvolveu teses de Mestrado e Doutorado sobre os trovadores medievais ibéricos (A Arena dos Trovadores, 1995 e As Três Imagens do Rei, 1999).



How to Cite

Barros, J. D. (2005). The chant as battle armor - a study on the plurality of meanings present in a medieval Iberian chant. Gragoatá, 10(18). Retrieved from