The everyday life theater and the fiction of Marlene Felinto and Christopher Isherwood


  • João Cezar de Castro Rocha UERJ


Everydayness, archive, representation, theater.


In the fiction of Christopher Isherwood and Marilene Felinto, everydayness is represented as if it were a traditional archive, that is, a collection of codes and social rules whose reason was lost in routine. In order to see afresh one’s own habits, one has to bring to the fore the underlying logic of the collection of gestures and intentions that compose everydayness. The act of bringing this logic to the fore reveals the very meaning of ficitionality.


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Author Biography

João Cezar de Castro Rocha, UERJ

Professor de literatura comparada da UERJ e atualmente coordenador da Pós-graduação em Letras. Possui estudos de pós-graduação na UERJ e na Universidade de Stanford. Autor e organizador de inúmeros livros e artigos publicados em revistas especializadas.



How to Cite

Rocha, J. C. de C. (2005). The everyday life theater and the fiction of Marlene Felinto and Christopher Isherwood. Gragoatá, 8(15). Retrieved from



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