Transatlantic crossing in the 1920s and 30s – the trajectories of the European poetic and scientific avant-garde in Brazil


  • Ellen Spielmann Universität Tübingen



Transatlantic crossing 20th Century, history of science, poetic and scientific avant-garde, University of São Paulo, Dina and Claude Lévi-Strauss, Fernand Braudel, Blaise Cendrars, Paulo Prado, Musée de l`Homme.


This article focuses on four paradigmatic cases of travelers. The central part concerns Dina Lévi-Strauss who gave the first course on modern ethnography in Brazil. She transfered the very latest: her projects include the founding of an ethnographic museum modeled on the “Musée de l`Homme”. Claude Lévi-Strauss and Fernand Braudel traveled to São Paulo as members of the French mission, which played an important role in the founding of the University of São Paulo. For political reasons Claude Lévi-Strauss’ contract at the University was not renewed in 1937. Blaise Cendrars was already a famous poet when he crossed the Atlantic in 1924. Fascism in Europe and World War II interrupted the careers of these four travelers as well as their interchanges with Brazil and their Brazilian friendships. But Brazilian experiences of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Braudel are crucial for their successful careers, after 1945.


Original in English.


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Author Biography

Ellen Spielmann, Universität Tübingen

Professora e pesquisadora em Teoria literária e cultural da América Latina, incluindo o Brasil, na Universidade de Tübingen (Alemanha). Suas pesquisas mais recentes são sobre contos latino-americanos (em particular, de Roberto Bolaño) e sobre escritores latino-americanos no exílio. É autora de, entre outros, Brasilianische Fiktionen: Gegenwart als Pastiche (1994), com estudos sobre Clarice Lispector, Jorge Amado, Darcy Ribeiro, Ignácio de Loyola Brandão e Silviano Santiago; e Der Blick des Axolote: Kultur-und literaturtheoretische Essays: Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal (2004); e editora de Teorías y formas de análisis de las relaciones entre globalidad y localidad en América Latina (1982-2005) (2007).




How to Cite

Spielmann, E. (2016). Transatlantic crossing in the 1920s and 30s – the trajectories of the European poetic and scientific avant-garde in Brazil. Gragoatá, 21(41).



Literature Articles