Language, discourse, culture: discursive reflections upon the linguistic process of giving (proper?) names


  • Phellipe Marcel da Silva Esteves UFF



Discourse Analysis, culture, naming process.


In this article, supported by Discourse Analysis, we intend to present an overview on our last reflections and theoretical-analytical developments upon the relations between discourse, language and culture. Discourse, history, politics, unconscious and ideology have all been terms that take part of the theoretical framework of Discourse Analysis, which reinterprets (itself) (in) the contradictions and lessons from other fields of study, research and reflection, such as historical materialism, psychoanalysis and linguistics, all deeply intertwined over the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Here, maybe we materialize another symptom of the diagnosis that Discourse Analysis has been interested, nowadays, on the notion of culture. Our main question is: which notion of culture for Discourse Analysis, and which relation can be made with the notion of language? In order to answer that, we have devoted ourselves to a founding phenomenon of the subjectivities on the most different social formations: the gesture of naming subjects.


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Author Biography

Phellipe Marcel da Silva Esteves, UFF

possui graduação em Comunicação Social pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e licenciatura em Português pela Universidade Candido Mendes. Mestre em Letras (Língua Portuguesa) pela Uerj e doutor em Estudos de Linguagem pela UFF. Professor do Departamento de Estudos da Linguagem da Uerj.



How to Cite

da Silva Esteves, P. M. (2019). Language, discourse, culture: discursive reflections upon the linguistic process of giving (proper?) names. Gragoatá, 24(48), 25-49.