The Great American Depression

Exposition of divergent discourses on the crisis that shook the XX century



Great Depression, 1929 crisis, Economic history


This article seeks to expose the main arguments used by several authors, economists and intellectuals about the American crisis of 1929, which shook the country and the world, both economically and socially, by using the 1929–1941 period. Appointments and reviews are carried out by the field of economic history, with their quantitative methods of data and economic theories, on discourses of classical liberals, Keynesians, monetarists and of the Austrian school of economics, assuming the idea of rich support of divergent economic theories between themselves, in an attempt to understand the historical-economic process that involved the time and that echoes until today.


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Author Biography

Filipe Peixoto Neves, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Graduando em História, Instituto de Ciências da Sociedade e Desenvolvimento Regional, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Neves, F. P. (2020). The Great American Depression: Exposition of divergent discourses on the crisis that shook the XX century. Mundo Livre: Revista Multidisciplinar, 6(2), 184-201. Retrieved from



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