The market value of the land by the land income Ricardian pretext powered by the space competition and innovation


  • Gabriel Mota Couto Universidade Federal Fluminense


Land value, Risk, Competition


The genesis of market value arises through the scarcity of useful value. As Ricardo developed in Principles of political economy and taxation (1982), the value of land arises from the lack of first-rate land. However, space is more complex than fertility and virgin land. Space generates advantages. Such advantages are born and are constantly destroyed through innovative processes and interactions of space itself. Moreover, investment does not flow into space as would be supposed by general theory. The risk and relationship between space and different spaces distort nature and geographic economic development by creating multifocal concentrations.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Mota Couto, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Graduando em Ciências Econômicas na Universidade Federal Fluminense no Departamento de Economia de Campos (CEC) em Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite

Couto, G. M. . (2020). The market value of the land by the land income Ricardian pretext powered by the space competition and innovation. Mundo Livre: Revista Multidisciplinar, 6(2), 202-215. Retrieved from



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