Effects of fiscal policies on Brazilian economic growth
an analysis in system dynamics applied to the Solow-Swan model
Economic Growth, Solow-Swan model, Systems DynamicsAbstract
The objective of this article is to understand the effects of fiscal policy decisions, on the growth of the Brazilian economy, between the years 2000 and 2010. For that, the Solow-Swan growth model was used in the language of Systems Dynamics, which allows to understand and measure the impacts of the actions of economic agents on the growth of a nation-state. The preparation of this article was organized in five sections: the first section that makes an introductory allusion to the theme setting out the objective of this article and the hypothesis tested, the second section elaborates a theoretical framework based on studies published in journals, the third section comprises the elaboration of the model in systems dynamics, the fourth section comprises the results and the fifth deals with the final considerations of the study. Through this research it can be considered that the results presented by the tool were consistent compared to the real data, as well as it can also be revealed that fiscal policy decisions directly interfered in long-term economic growth, reducing the average rate of economic growth in the case of deficit policies, and expanding when it came to surplus fiscal policies.
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