The emancipatory process of Italva (1960-1980) and its relationship with the construction of the municipality’s

disputes and rescues of memories


  • Luan Barreto Vilela Universidade Federal Fluminense


Italva, Memory, Identity


This article analyzes the memories of events and characters from the emancipatory process of Italva, a city located in the northwest region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which was part of Campos dos Goytacazes until 1986. The emancipatory process in question can be understood from two organizations: the first, between the 1960s and 1970s during the period of the Military Dictatorship and, the second, from 1980 onwards with the “democratic opening”. In this sense, it will be perfectly how some memories built in a context of political disputes can be related to the construction of an identity for the city. Meanwhile, we will compare the emancipation memories exalted by the book Italva em Versos: the emancipation of Italva told by its greatest poet, by Antonio Carlos Bernardo (1991), preparation for an official/dominant discourse with the memories rescued from the methodology of Oral History, highlighting contradictions that could harm the cohesion around the regional identity of the municipality.


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Author Biography

Luan Barreto Vilela, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Estudante de História no Instituto de Ciências da Sociedade e Desenvolvimento Regional (ESR) da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) em Campos dos Goytacazes, onde integra o Laboratório de História Regional e Patrimônio e o Grupo de Estudos Migratórios.


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How to Cite

Vilela, L. B. (2024). The emancipatory process of Italva (1960-1980) and its relationship with the construction of the municipality’s: disputes and rescues of memories. Mundo Livre: Revista Multidisciplinar, 9(2), 171-195. Retrieved from



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