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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (preferably), OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • The text is in one and a half spaces; uses a 12-point Arial font; uses italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.

Author Guidelines

PragMATIZES – Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies (PragMATIZES - Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura, ISSN 2237-1508 on line). Published biannually since 2011, linked to the Laboratory of Cultural Initiatives / LABAC, and the post graduate program in Culture and Territorialities / PPCULT, both linked to the Fluminense Federal University (UFF).


It seeks to deepen the theoretical discussions necessary to a time when technology, culture and art merge. It aims at an interdisciplinary perspective of culture and art according to contemporary thinking. It turns mainly to the academic-scientific community of Culture's studies. It aims to disseminate researches in the context of culture in Latin America through the publication of articles, communications and reviews. Documents and contributions of a descriptive and interpretative character, based on recent literature, as well as articles on current or emerging topics and brief communications on relevant and unpublished topics. Its general structuring covers thematic articles submitted according to public calls and special invitations in dialogue with proposed dossiers; Articles of general theme continuous flow; Essays; and Reviews. Its evaluation process is double-blind, and its digital platform is developed in the OJS system.


To the authors

The articles and reviews sent to PragMATIZES will be subjected to the editorial board and partners ad hoc. The editorial board holds the right to suggest the Authors changes in the format, with the objective of making the articles suit the Review’s dimensions or its editorial patterns. The footnotes and literature references must be restricted to the minimum possible. The publishing of an article doesn’t display the board’s agreement to all the statements made by the authors. All the articles will be submitted to tow referees (double-blind). In case of disagreement between referees, the articles will be submitted to a third one.

We invite the authors to check the About section and read the policies of the sections available, as well as the Guidelines for authors. Authors must agree before submitting an article. If you have already registered, simply access the system and start the submission process.

Submission of manuscripts

Articles must be submitted solely through the electronic address of the journal:

Additional information and requests must be sent to the email address

Sections and Features

Papers will be accepted for the following sections:

  1. Articles (in continuous flow or upon any dossier) - contributions of a descriptive and interpretative character, based on recent literature, as well as articles on current or emerging topics and brief communications on relevant and unpublished topics, preferably authored by at least one PhD. Researcher and must contain a maximum of 8,000 words – equivalent, the presentation proposed to approximately 30 pages.
  2. Reviews – Review of scientific scholarly books published in the last three years (maximum of 1,200 words).

[The word limit includes text and bibliographical references (cover page, abstracts and illustrations are considered to the part).]

It’s to the Editors discretion the acceptance of articles with more or less printed characters.

Manuscript evaluation

All submitted articles are anonymity reviewed for a more accurate evaluation.

In the selection of articles for publication, we evaluate the originality, relevance of the theme and the quality of the scientific methodology used, the text cohesion and fitting the review editorial rules.

In the case of the paper submitted needs any settings, the author will have a short period to abide by the possible suggestions proposed by the reviewers (according to the form completed by the evaluators) and make any corrections.

All the material is subjected to peer review by tow anonymous referees (double-blind), and the authors are informed of the final report. The deadline for completion of the evaluation process of submitted articles is three months. The editors of the journal will send the recommendations of the reviewers to the authors. On average, our publishing time lasts 2 months.

Our evaluation form seeks to verify the adequacy of the articles as to: the title, the abstract, the introduction, the methodology, the figures and tables (where applicable), to the conclusion (especially from the objectives of the article). Moreover, it is verified whether the work is technically coherent and free of conceptual errors, and whether the objectives are set. Finally, it seeks to assess whether references are relevant and comprehensive, and whether then in line with ABNT standards (indicated in this manual).

Peer review is fundamental to ensuring the integrity of academic work submitted for publication in a scientific journal. "Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers" of PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies establishes standards and basic principles guiding the peer-review process. Peer review aims to improve the texts submitted, by means of providing suggestions, complementary references and incentives for the development of research and scientific knowledge.

The guidelines have been produced based on the suggestions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Material's Ineditism and Responsibility

All material submitted to PragMATIZES must be unpublished, that is, it must not have been previously published or submitted for publication in other journals.

The concepts and declarations contained in the works are of full responsibility of the author, who take full responsibility for the content of the article; and will contribute to the Editors to undertake the changes suggested by the evaluators and the review of bibliographic quotations.


By forwarding an original to PragMATIZES, the authors agree that the copyright related to it is transferred to the Publishing. Articles and other writings are made available in PDF format from their publication, and they can be downloaded to institutional repositories and personal pages, provided that with their proper bibliographic indication.

About the contents

The author of the article is responsible for its contents.

The editorial board of PragMATIZES holds the right of enclosing any necessary changes in the articles to adapt them to the publishing rules and to the review’s publishing possibilities. In the case of fortuitous substantial changes, the authors will be consulted.

Printing the articles is allowed, as long as it’s mentioned that they were originally published in PragMATIZES.


Language: Contributions will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

General: The original must be presented in 1,5 lines space and electronically submitted, font Arial size 12, all margins of 2.0 cm. It must be sent with full title (in Portuguese, Spanish and English – First appearing in the original language of the article), as well as abstract and keywords (separated by semicolons) also in these three languages.

Separate file must contain the "copyright IDs": name (s) of the author (s), academic degree (s) and the respective institution (s), with e-mail address for contact with all authors and the ORCID number of each one.

Illustrations: The figures should be sent in high quality. Color figures are accepted but it is noteworthy that if the journal is published in paper it will be converted to grayscale. In this way no references to the figures will be accepted by their colors.

Graphs and tables: It is necessary to send the graphs/tables also in high quality. Attention to the question of colors wrote above.

CAUTION: You can only publish a graph/table if it is by the author or if there is a reference to the source from which it was removed. In the case of illustrations, only those who have written permission from the author may be published, if not the author of the article.

Note: For images, charts and tables use Arial font size 10 and simple space, you must number them in sequence cf. the typology (Image 1 - [title] ; Graph 1 - [title] etc.). It is indicated that the title is inserted before the object (image, graphic, etc.) and the Font at its bottom, both centered.

Abstract (Resumo ; Resumen): exceptionally the contributions submitted to the "Review" section, all Articles must be summarized in the original language and in the other two basic languages of the Journal (Portuguese ; Spanish). Thus, for example, if the article is in English it should bring in addition to the Abstract in English, the Resumo in Portuguese and the Resumen in Spanish. Abstracts/Resumo/Resumen may not exceed 500 words.

Keywords (Palavras-chave ; Palabras clave): Three to five keywords and their respective translations in the other languages should accompany the abstracts in each language.

References: References must be identified by author (s), Year of publication and page number, when applicable [Eg (RODRIGUES, 1997, p. 50)]. All references must be presented in a correct and complete manner.

For bibliographic references, the following formatting is requested: Arial, size 12, simple space with 6 pt. after each reference. In case of sources that use access site, indicate as follows: Available at: http... Access in: month day. (abbreviated in 3 letters (e.g. ago) year. In the case of rewriting authorship in the listed references, it is indicated to repeat the author's name instead of using the bar feature (____.)

The truthfulness of the information contained in the list of references is the responsibility of the author (s) and must follow the established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT NBR 6023/2018).

In the text, the references must be as some examples:

(Freire, 1982) ; (Freire, 1982, p. 34) ; (Freire; Gomes; Telle, 2018, p. 23) ; (Senac, 2020, v. 1, p.18) ; (ONU, 2023) ; (Amaral et al., 2003, p. 20 apud Freire, 2009, p. 35) ; (Araújo et al., 2021) ou (Araújo; Magnus; Selbach; Debastiani; Handke, 2021) etc.


1. Books:

CARVALHO FILHO, Felipe dos Santos. Cultura popular. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2006.

2.  Chapter of Books:

RUIZ, Carlos; GOMES, Laura de Marco. Espacios para la cultura. In: GARCIA, Benedetta (org.). Cultura para la democracia en America Latina. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2001. p. 78 – 103.

3.  Dissertation and Thesis:

RODRIGUES, Luiz Augusto F. A fantasia da modernidade: a falácia de um modelo único. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Instituto de História, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 1997.

4. Articles

MORAES, Emir; FERREIRA, Rosa Gracia de Salles. As festas populares em João Pessoa e a participação popular. Revista de Cultura, Rio de Janeiro, ano 11, n. 24, p. 11-20, 30 jul. 2006.

5. Electronic documents

MINC – Ministério da Cultura (Brasil). Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa - Projeto de Renovação Museográfica abre o programa de palestras e debates da FCRB em 2011. Disponível em: . Acesso: 11 mar. 2011.

Artigos (em Fluxo Contínuo)

Política padrão de seção

Dossiê 23: Artes e Culturas nas Cidades

Avaliação duplo cega e apresentação do dossiê por editores associados.

Dossiê 22 - Coletivos culturais - resistências, disputas e potências

Avaliação duplo cega.

Dossiê 21: Trabalho cultural e pre carização

PragMATIZES faz avaliação duplo cego dos artigos, e tem por política que ao menos um dos autores de cada artigo tenha o título de Doutor.

Dossiê 18: Representações da Violência na Literatura

A violência tem se apresentado como um tema recorrente em pesquisas de estudiosos das literaturas. Em virtude disso, o dossiê “Representações da Violência na Literatura”objetiva reunir e divulgar pesquisas acadêmicas sobre diferentes modalidades da violência refletidas em obras literárias de variadas épocas e nacionalidades, a partir de diversificados enfoques teórico-metodológicos.Para essa edição, convidamosdoutoresa enviarem trabalhos em português, no formato de artigo científico inédito.Os trabalhos recebidos serão revisados em ordem de submissão por uma comissão de pareceristas às cegas.

As submissões poderão ser feitas até o dia 30 de novembro de 2019, através da plataforma da revista.

Editores do dossiê: Eloísa Porto C. A. Braem e Paulo César S. Oliveira (UERJ)

Dossiê 11:Múltiplos Carnavais: Economia e política nas manifestações culturais populares

O dossiê Múltiplos Carnavais: Economia e política nas manifestações culturais populares busca ampliar a discussão a respeito das relações econômicas e políticas que articulam, limitam e reconfiguram as manifestações culturais populares, em especial as múltiplas expressões carnavalescas presentes na cultura brasileira e latino-americana. Estaremos recebendo contribuições que problematizem diferentes e diversificadas práticas carnavalescas a partir de variados enfoques, como o olhar da performance, da gestão e organização da festa, das políticas culturais, dos processos de patrimonialização, das trocas econômicas e simbólicas, da ocupação urbana, da relação com o território, entre outras abordagens estéticas e teóricas.

Dossiê 10: Economia Política da Comunicação e da Cultura na Íbero-América

O dossiê Economia Política da Comunicação e da Cultura na Íbero-América se insere no conjunto de atividades que pesquisadores europeus e latino-americanos vêm desenvolvendo para afirmar esse campo de pesquisa e que tem na União Latina de Economia Política da Informação, da Comunicação e da Cultura (ULEPICC) sua principal instituição. Nesse sentido, estaremos recebendo contribuições que abordem a centralidade econômica e política que a comunicação e a cultura possuem na producão capitalista, centralidade esta que se revela de diversos modos: na transversalidade da cultura e da comunicação, na convergência tecnológica e na digitalização dos meios eletrônicos, na expansão e novas configurações das indústrias culturais e criativas, na privatização do conhecimento, no desenvolvimento de capital intangível, nas culturas digitais, entre outros modos.

Organização do Dossiê Economia Política da Comunicação e da Cultura na Íbero-América:
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Barbalho

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.