Actors and speeches in Projects of housing self-management in São Paulo
The present inquiry intends to analyze manifestations and speeches of
involved agents in the production and uses of the city in projects
directed toward the construction of habitations for self management. A
visit is overcome as event the projects in progress in the city of São
Paulo. They are privileged for analysis action and speeches of inhabitants,
leaderships and technical questions. That has been broken of the
perspective of such actions and speeches is hard elements for understanding
of the question of the self-management habitation, either for
the relation between State and the civil society, either for the relation
between plaintiff for housings and too much agents. One apprehends
of these relations the elements that potentially confer cohesion and/or
distinction between the groups, from the hypothesis of that the nature
of the relations if reflects in the standard of the habitations, in the
administration of the housing sets, in the sociability of the neighborhood
and the development of the place.
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