The alien and the clash between Veja and the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC)


  • Adriana Santiago Dantas



This essay aims to demonstrate the conflict that occurred in the Brazilian media as a result of the distribution of a textbook for youth and adult education by the Ministry of Education (MEC). An issue of Veja magazine was chosen to represent the opposition to the book in the media. For the analysis, a sociolinguistic contextualization was carried out based on the alien metaphor, representing the argument of MEC; and the clarification of Veja’s argument which had a backdrop in defense of “culture”. From this analysis, the concepts of Foucault’s Order of Discourse were utilized to conclude that the clash represented a battle over the “will of truth”, according to the author.


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How to Cite

Dantas, A. S. (2012). The alien and the clash between Veja and the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC). PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (3), 39-49.



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