Allegory forward the gender


  • Camila Damico Medina Universidade Federal Fluminense



The article in question circulates around the possibility of aesthetic expression as allegorical move beyond language through its gesture to tell the other. The allegory in its exacerbation and proliferation of signifiers and meanings, designs a third space beyond signification. The procedure above finds its basis argumentative term through exposure Khora, since it is a term interdictable, that doesn’t ceases to not inscribe fully to any names, but that is the receptacle of all the speeches (to come). Being infinite proliferation of spaces and places, the writing presented is not intended to define a possibility allegorical expression.


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Author Biography

Camila Damico Medina, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Realiza a graduação em Produção Cultural na Universidade Federal Fluminense.


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How to Cite

Medina, C. D. (2013). Allegory forward the gender. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (5), 8-16.



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