Networks of the other on discursive screens: audiovisual circulation and cultural consumption


  • Rosana Soares
  • Andrea Limberto



The article analyzes discursive articulations regarding the matter of social invisibility as it especially considers recent Brazilian documentary films (Elena, Cidade cinza, Olhe pra mim de novo). Those were in the exhibition circuit and privilege a referential and realistic approach presenting some social actors that fit the invisibility condition. We are interested in the realistic drive on movies as it is able to perform anaffirmative reaction by the subjects involved. The narrative is build as if the facts were in life and in the movies just like shown on screen. Such has been a theoretical challenge for film studies since the establishment of the notion of syntax of the visible. Even if one can recognize the logical distance for the representation of individuals in situation of invisibility, that has not prevented them from being present in audiovisual discourses. Neither has it stopped certain politics of representation to operate as a stamp over a certain kind of subject presented as minority identities.


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How to Cite

Soares, R., & Limberto, A. (2014). Networks of the other on discursive screens: audiovisual circulation and cultural consumption. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (6), 40-57.



Dossiê 4:Cultura e Práticas de Consumo