The emergence of the Culture and Cultural Policies Observatories: Initial reflections for typologies construction
The emergence of culture and cultural policies observatories is a recent phenomenon, and progressively the number of such bodies has increased. Despite the fact, the literature about Culture and Cultural Policies Observatories is scarce. Some information concerning those existing observatories in Europe are available, however, sources regarding this topic in Latin America are still deficient, despite the strengthening of this phenomenon in the region. In an effort to mitigate the lack of information, this study is an exploratory research of the existing Culture and Cultural Policies Culture Observatories in Latin America. The purpose of this article is to map the observatories that are dedicated to cover the existing culture and cultural policies in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Colombia, with a focus on Brazil. By identifying what they have established as their responsibilities and mission, as well as their financial sources, we intend to collaborate by building typologies. These, in turn, should encourage reflections that give basis for the creation of new observatories, as well as considerations on practices of the existing ones.Downloads
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