America delves into its navel
This paper examines a dialogue, sustained at a distance, between Modernist and Real-Marvelous authors of the first half of the Twentieth Century. Upon reconstructing these exchanges, the article uncovers an algorithm with which Latin Americans have faced the dilution, assimilation, and cooptation of regional identities brought about by the process of Globalization. The article contains three sections. The first one describes Modernist authors’ contributions to the building of a postcolonial Latin American identity and its contradictions. The second one highlights the refinements Real-Marvelous authors operated upon the novel Latin American cultural profile offered by Modernists’ contributions. Finally, the third part presents three applications of the general principle proposed by the Real Marvelous authors.Downloads
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Henríquez Ureña, Pedro. “El descontento y la promesa” Voces de
Hispanoamérica: Antología literaria. Comp. Raquel Chang-Rodríguez y Malva E. Filer. Boston: Heinle, 2013. 304-310. Print.
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Comp. Raquel Chang-Rodríguez y Malva E. Filer. Boston: Heinle, 2013. 221-225. Print.
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