The University Extension: a fundamental space for the development of cultural management


  • Ahtziri E Molina Roldán Centro de Estudios, Creación y Documentación de las Arte. Universidad Veracruzana.



Higher Education Institutions on the continent have outlined three substantive tasks of teaching, research and university extension services to the general population. This third function was driven in the University Reform of Córdoba (1918) because it was felt that this was the way to return to societies that created and sustained the universities when access to this level was very reduced. However, the restructuring of the university system in the last century has changed the objectives and strategies of the universities. On the one hand closer to the labor market, and one from the new left that redefines the social commitment to the communities that have higher education. In this paradoxical scenario, university extension is still present as a substantive activity of the higher education, even when the horizons have diversified and sometimes have become invisible. This paper aims to identify the different paths taken by the structures of university extension in Mexico, and from this to explore the possibilities for cultural management will provide tools for training and even professional. Thus, both fields would benefit.


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Author Biography

Ahtziri E Molina Roldán, Centro de Estudios, Creación y Documentación de las Arte. Universidad Veracruzana.

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How to Cite

Molina Roldán, A. E. (2015). The University Extension: a fundamental space for the development of cultural management. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (9), 106-119.



Dossiê 9: Construyendo identidades en las Américas: Interpelaciones desde la(s) Cultura(s) y la Gestión Cultural