Cultural Circles, UPP, Funk and Militia: an analysis of Rio de Janeiro´s urban culture in relation to security policies and criminal organizations


  • Rôssi Alves Gonçalves UFF
  • Guilherme Marcelino dos Santos



The major purpose of this article is to present a contribution to the field of public politics, using the relations and conversations between the cultural activities (that endeavor to develop cultural points in the less-favored areas, focused on social development) and the funk parties (that are judged as encouraging and dissemination of violence and drug trafficking), after UPP and militia groups were installed. This agent of the State has imposed a series of rules and restrictions for the development of cultural events, and the militia groups claim to fight against the traffic, but are surviving through extortions and other illegal ways. When examining the clash of political interests, we get to the fact that achieving a balance between forces is possible, but not before crossing a vast battlefield. And these battles happen at the symbolic field and, harshly, in territories that most need culture.


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Author Biography

Rôssi Alves Gonçalves, UFF

professora do Departamento de Artes e Estudos Culturais


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, R. A., & Santos, G. M. dos. (2017). Cultural Circles, UPP, Funk and Militia: an analysis of Rio de Janeiro´s urban culture in relation to security policies and criminal organizations. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (12), 11-25.



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