Saraus as a strategy for poetic resistance and reflection on new cultural territories
This work aims, in general terms, to reflect on the importance of the saraus in Brazilian literature, pointing out their use as a space of cultural, social and political resistance. More specifically, the saraus in peripheral territories of the Baixada Fluminense, in Rio de Janeiro, starting with the historical trajectory of the sarau of COOPERIFA (Cooperativa Cultural de Periferia). We will emphasize the work of Moduan Matus, an important cultural activist from the Baixada Fluminense, who began his poetic actuationin the 1970s, when he wrote his poems on walls and front doors of closed street stores. Hisartistic activities are still carried out in different venues, which may go from backyards to public squares. The study of Matus’ work and the importance of the sarau as a form of cultural resistance will bring to light important local identity reflections.Downloads
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