Reading practices in contemporaneity: libraries’ experiences in the city of Rio de Janeiro
The major purpose of this article is to present a research on the multiple reading practices in libraries in the city of Rio de Janeiro. We attempted, firstly, to define the universe of its users, their reading practices at the library, the mediators between the texts, sounds, images and reading, as well as the relationships between the libraries´ venues and the territory in which they are set in. It is also analyzed what is the importance and function of the reading for those who practice it, in objective, subjective, symbolic and imaginary levels. Through interviews and participant observation, we tried to highlight the users´ relationship with books, other contents, medias and formats. We increasingly observe practices that combine reading, orality and writing in a transmedia scenery. Thus, we hope to contribute with information on the experience of the users for the formulation and evaluation of public reading and libraries´ policies.Downloads
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