MEDIATIZED FAITH? Inquiries about the communicational approach of the religious issue in the era of digital network technologies
The new technologies of digital and networked communication seem to be ubiquitous, invading every dimension of culture and society, including the most traditional fields such as law, politics, and education. Regarding this, some recent communication studies started discussing the concept of mediatization, considering the centrality of the media in the production of new environments, new ways of life. In this work, some of these points of view are presented, but the main objective is to question to what extent the notion of mediatization serves as a theoretical tool to be applied in the investigation of the relationship between media and religion. Including reflections on the epistemological particularities around faith and spirituality, the article inquires about the possible adjustments and disembodiments of the mediatization theory as a matrix of understanding the phenomena in the depth and complexity that such themes evoke.Downloads
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