CNBB as news promoter and source of information of the Catholic religion in the media space: notes as a strategic ritual and alternative Agenda Setting
This paper investigates the empirical material, documentary, through content analysis: alternative means of notes and media scheduling (1968-1977) made by the Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), during the period of military dictatorship in Brazil. The analysis takes into account, thematically, five cases of religious accused by the state to practice subversive activities, published in Folha de S. Paulo, Jornal do Brazil, O Estado de S. Paulo and O Globo. The goal is to rescue the CNBB as an actor in the news production process (Molotch and LESTER, 1999), in addition to actions taken by the organization to news promoters (advisors, organizations) to relate the news assemblers (reporters, editors, redactions) negotiating senses to be offered on the news the couple news Consumers (readership). Much more than source of news in the public space and media space, the CNBB participated actively in favor of citizenship in favor of the struggle for human rights.Downloads
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