Pictures, modernity and religion: a Protestant iconology in Brazil


  • Priscila Vieira-Souza Escola de Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Unifamma



This paper is about the relation between modernity, Protestantism, and photography. The first part of the paper explores a theoretical framework to understand these relations and to develop a visual approach to the history of Protestantism in Brazil. The second part of the paper has its focus on analyzing pictures and images from two archives: the Evangelical Audiovisual Centre (CAVE); and The Grubb Collection, a collection of personal photographs produced by Keneth Grubb, a British Missionary in Brazil. The paper then presents partial results of this research, such as a proposal of a typology to classify three different kinds of Protestant images; the privileged status of photography in these relations; and two themes that are central in the pictures and images of both archives.


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Author Biography

Priscila Vieira-Souza, Escola de Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Unifamma

Doutora em Comunicação pela UFRJ; Pesquisa Pós-Doutoral no Centre for Iberian and Latin America Visual Studies, School of Arts, Birkbeck College (2015-2016); Pós-doutorado em andamento no PPGCOM-ECO-UFRJ. Professora em Faculdades Integradas de Maringá - UNIFAMMA.


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- Imagens:

Arquivo CAVE, Centro de Memória Metodista, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

Grubb Collection, Royal Anthropologycal Institute

- Documentos:

- CAVE. Árvores e Flores do Brasil. Comentário de diafilme. 25 Quadros.

- CAVE. O Bom Samaritano. Comentário de diafilme. 68 Quadros.

- CAVE. Comunicação Interna. 18 abril 1964.

- CAVE. O Feiticeiro. Comentário de diafilme. 74 Quadros.



How to Cite

Vieira-Souza, P. (2018). Pictures, modernity and religion: a Protestant iconology in Brazil. PragMATIZES - Latin American Journal of Cultural Studies, (13), 159-178.



Dossiê 13: Cultura e Religião